mpengo Snow & Grow For All Seasons
Find out how mpengo Snow & Grow can work for your Snow Removal and Landscaping business 365 days of the year!
For Plumbers, Electricians, HVAC and other professionals who provide services to commercial and residential customers
Produce quotes on the spot using pre-loaded templates or content customized for your business, and get sign-off for accepted quotes right on your iPad.
mpengo Quotes stores your costs, detailed business info and legal terms, images, client notes, and signatures. Create quotes simply by selecting the content you need for each client, and adjust prices with your choice of mark-up options.
Don’t work harder, work smarter!
Prepare a detailed cost estimate with quantities, labor rates, unit costs and measures.
Use standard templates with industry specific phrases and terms or your own custom wording
Prepare a Quote with all required prices or a Scope of Work without pricing.
Use pricing/rate tables to standardize pricing across your quotes.
Calculate client price from your estimate by marking up costs by percentage, set value, item by item, category, and more.
Obtain Electronic Signature approval for a quote immediately while still on-site.
Email completed proposed quotations or confirmed agreements to clients, your office, or partners.
Monitor your win/loss ratios with detailed or summary reports of your quotes.
Take advantage of all that mpengo Quotes can do for you!
Find out how mpengo Snow & Grow can work for your Snow Removal and Landscaping business 365 days of the year!
Learn how to do your fire door safety inspections using an iPad or iPhone. Watch our preview intro video!
Mpengo Ltd. brings full management potential to any Service Trade Professional using an iPad or iPhone. Watch our 1 minute intro video!
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